Hi everyone :)
I just went on AOL to check my mail, but because im retarded or lazy or something, I always put in www.aol.com as opposed to .co.uk. So I was having a gander at the news stories quickly before I actually checked my mail. So a story flashed up, about how a woman was cooking dinner, and 5 minutes later her life was destroyed by her husband telling her it was all over.
So what?
This happens all the time. We know it happens, and I feel for the woman I really do. She must have been devasted. But why do we need to read about it on AOL news....
Its like when they report in the papers about a celebrity having cancer.....
So what?
I know quite a few people with/who had cancer. Ranging from 19-45 for first diagnosis. So why is it that the news reports on celebritys.
It does my bloody nut in. I dont wanna hear about the tragedy in peoples lives. Whaa Whaa Whaa.
I have my own problems.....
Anyway this was obviously a rant and I apologise. Please don't take this to mean I'm the kind of person who doesn't care about my friends problems, but tragedy happens. If you let it consume your lives then you never move on.
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